Testimonies from all over. Be inspired by stories of Christian transformation from around the world. Hear miraculous coming-to-Jesus stories from all walks of life and be amazed at how God writes a story in all of us. And stay for the Sendoff, where we feature an artist’s take on each testimony shared. One80 is a production of OneWay Ministries.
Episode 64: Loving Muslims, Ramadan Prayer Challenge
Today’s One80 features testimonies from Muslim born believers from India, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, part of OneWay’s Love Muslims initiative. Be encouraged as you see how God moved mightily in their lives to call them to saving faith in Jesus and hear how you can be part of making One80s happen, by praying for Muslims during Ramadan, their month of prayer and fasting.
Join our Ramadan Prayer Challenge and get a Prayercast video delivered to your inbox every day that is guided by a former Muslim as they pray for their people. The subscriber joins along in this prayer, guided by prayer points and encouraging imagery of the land.
According to Chris Ruge, Prayercast Director who oversees Love Muslims, “One of the unique things about Muslims is the vast majority earnestly desire to know the Creator God. There's a strong faith in most Muslims around the world.
The problem is the information they have about who God is is incorrect. And so if they continue to follow that information, they'll never find who God is. And so the reason we pray, especially during Ramadan, is during this month Muslims are fasting and praying.
This is a time of heightened intensity where they're seeking after God to know him more and they believe that He'll reveal himself more during this month. They're asking to know God more and we're coming alongside and saying, 'Yes, God, we join with Muslims and ask that you would reveal yourself that they would see who you are for the first time.'
It’s a beautiful way for God to usher us in prayer knowledgeably, strategically, fervently and passionately for a group of people we may have never considered praying for before.”
There are lots of Muslim background believer testimonies on OneWay’s Love Muslims page, find it here.
To join the Ramadan Prayer Challenge and get a guided Prayercast Video delivered to your inbox every day of Ramadan, find it here.
Listen to the full Ahmed Joktan’s One80, Episode 11 and 12 here.
Listen to Afghan former Muslim Shahe’s One80, Episode 58 and 59 here.
Listen to Iranian former Muslim Mahmoud’s One80, Episodes 37 and 38 here.
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