Testimonies from all over. Be inspired by stories of Christian transformation from around the world. Hear miraculous coming-to-Jesus stories from all walks of life and be amazed at how God writes a story in all of us. And stay for the Sendoff, where we feature an artist’s take on each testimony shared. One80 is a production of OneWay Ministries.
Episode 65: Liv LeDuc, The Most Reluctant Future Missionary (Bipolar Disorder)
Liv LeDuc is a junior at Wheaton College and "the most reluctant future missionary." Though Liv grew up in the church, her own insecurities and bipolar disorder kept her from an intimate relationship with the Lord. She reluctantly chose to go to a Christian college, but while there, was overcome with the sincere faith her fellow classmates lived out. This encouragement propelled her to a personal relationship with Jesus, and a call to become a missionary. Be encouraged as you hear Liv move from being embarrassed about her faith, to wanting to share it with everyone.
Liv said of her bipolar disorder: “I was definitely very alone. Pretty much just kind of me and God wrestling it out. I have a lot of very distinct memories of me quite literally just weeping and crying out to God and saying, ‘Where are you right now? Like, why am I going through this? I don't understand.’
I just really could not see how it could be used for any good whatsoever. It was a lot of wrestling with God.”
Learn what it was like to suffer from bipolar disorder, how Liv got help and was able to move forward, and what it means to have an authentic relationship with Christ where seeking Him means finding.
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Understanding bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder in ministry? a Christian perspective
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