Testimonies from all over. Be inspired by stories of Christian transformation from around the world. Hear miraculous coming-to-Jesus stories from all walks of life and be amazed at how God writes a story in all of us. And stay for the Sendoff, where we feature an artist’s take on each testimony shared. One80 is a production of OneWay Ministries.
Episode 74: RJ Johnson, Life Off Track (Sex Offender)
In this intense and deeply moving episode, hear the transformative journey of RJ Johnson as he goes from the perpetrator of a grave crime and an attempted suicide, inadvertently on the wrong track, to prison, redemption in Jesus, and true freedom.
As he was processing through his pain and crime in prison and starting to read the Bible, RJ said, “There was a while where I'm like, you guys have to prove to me that this is real. Like you better prove to me through all these questions that I have. And eventually I started going less from ‘Prove to me’ and more towards, ‘Help me, show me, share with me what it is like to accept Christ into your life.’”
But God, the Bible and other believers finally broke through to RJ. He was then able to see God all around him in prison and even witness to a fellow convict who tried to murder him. His is a life truly transformed.
RJ is the founder of Not My Will Ministries where he coaches other convicted sex offenders to break patterns that got them to prison and to find freedom in Christ. RJ is the author of God Doesn’t Waste a Thing.
Be encouraged as you learn how God can redeem anyone from any sin and will use even the worst of circumstances to bring people to Himself. Today’s Sendoff features a OneWay Scripture song, If Anyone is in Christ.
Helpful Links
OneWay Scripture Song, If Anyone is in Christ, download it for free.
RJ’s ministry, Not My Will Ministries
RJ’s book, God Doesn’t Waste a Thing (pen name Luke Chance)
Where to get help, find a certified biblical counselor near you
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