Testimonies from all over. Be inspired by stories of Christian transformation from around the world. Hear miraculous coming-to-Jesus stories from all walks of life and be amazed at how God writes a story in all of us. And stay for the Sendoff, where we feature an artist’s take on each testimony shared. One80 is a production of OneWay Ministries.
Episode 79: Andrea Huertas, Darkness to Light (Occult)
Hear Andrea Huertas' powerful testimony.
Andrea is a Colombian American who was raised in the church. She shares her incredible journey from dark forces, substance abuse, an abusive relationship, and a brush with death, to life in Christ, found on a cold jail cell floor. Experience her profound healing and powerful renouncing of things past and taking back the light as a worship leader.
In part 1, learn how she was slowly lulled to the dark forces through a friend and the evil of a vastly popular childhood game.
Andrea said, "The boy was explaining this toy to us at lunch and told us 'Hey guys, this is not the real thing. The real board is at Toys R Us.' So we ended up going to Toys R Us. I grabbed the board. My parents innocently bought this game, not knowing what it was."
A dark force seemed to have a hold on Andrea and filled her with misery that caused rebellion from her loving family, even a drug overdose.
Hear how the depths of her depravity brought her to an even more chilling brush with death.
Helpful links:
Andrea’s popular Youtube channel
Help out of the occult, Doreen Virtue’s NewAgetoNewHeart
Help for victims of Abuse, The Salvation Army
Help for drug addiction, Teen Challenge
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