Testimonies from all over. Be inspired by stories of Christian transformation from around the world. Hear miraculous coming-to-Jesus stories from all walks of life and be amazed at how God writes a story in all of us. And stay for the Sendoff, where we feature an artist’s take on each testimony shared. One80 is a production of OneWay Ministries.
Episode 85: Encore, Gareth "Angel" Thompson, Smackdown with the Enemy (England)
Gareth "Angel" Thompson is a pro wrestler with a mission. He holds Wrestling Church in Bradford, England.
"We do baptisms and body slams, sermons and suplexes. We've kind of brought these two worlds of professional wrestling and church together to tell Bible stories in a physical way, to unpack it in a language that people understand, to reach those normally not coming into church.
We do that through the storytelling narrative of good versus evil, of David versus Goliath, of Andre the Giant and Hulk.
And actually all these people are saying, 'Yes' to Jesus and they're stepping into the fight."
In his powerful testimony, hear how as a child he was mistreated and even left for homeless until Christians came to his rescue. Now Thompson shares his unique message of hope all over England.
Enjoy today's "wrestling match" as announcer Jacob York takes you through "The Smackdown with the Enemy" as Gareth fights his demons from the past.
Helpful links:
Gareth "Angel" Thompson, Instagram
Gareth, Facebook
Gareth's YouTube Channel
Kingdom Wrestling
Fountains Church, Bradford, England
Christians Against Poverty
One80, John Kirkby, CBE, Episode 43
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