Testimonies from all over. Be inspired by stories of Christian transformation from around the world. Hear miraculous coming-to-Jesus stories from all walks of life and be amazed at how God writes a story in all of us. And stay for the Sendoff, where we feature an artist’s take on each testimony shared. One80 is a production of OneWay Ministries.
Episode 82: Naeem Fazal, Night of Destiny, part 2 (Kuwait)
Naeem Fazal is the lead pastor of Mosaic Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, popular conference speaker, speaker/coach for Tedx, and author of Ex-Muslim. His incredible testimony has him going from mocking Christians to becoming a Jesus follower dedicated to full time ministry all in the course of one night.
In part 2, hear what happens when Naeem gets visited by Jesus.
Be amused as Naeem discusses using "the world's smallest Bible" and praying to "whoever was listening upstairs" to meeting a "peace so agressive" face to face.
"I felt like my body was not made to be in that presence for long, and He said, 'I'm Jesus and your life is not your own.'"
Learn how Naeem pursued full time ministry following his night of destiny, how his family also became Jesus followers and his thoughts on what it actually means to follow Jesus.
Today's show concludes with a Prayercast for Kuwait.
Helpful links:
Ex-Muslim, Naeem’s memoir testimony
Naeem’s Church, Mosaic Charlotte
Naeem Fazal website
Prayercast Love Muslims more incredible testimonies
One80 for Ahmed Joktan from Saudi Arabia episodes 11 and 12
One80 from Hani James from Iraq episode 78
One80 from Mahmoud A. from Iran episodes 37 and 38
One80 from Malik Ali episode 8
Prayercast Kuwait
Check out this book to read many more crazy Muslim Jesus encounter stories! Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?
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